Call Us Today! (301) 661-3302
Self-esteem and body image are strongly linked. Neither one comes easy in our society, for men or women. But both can be achieved ! I have seen it and I have been on the team and been part of creating both for people. And for myself. It's been a wild ride and one I am happy to tell and share. It's a fight worth fighting and it's a journey worth taking. And I believe it is one best taken with your very own guide, therapist, mentor, coach and cheerleader ! Think of it as a river trip down the rapids! You will survive and be so proud of your trip.
I am passionate about guiding you toward feeling good about your body and about who you are no matter what size or shape your body is in. I believe self-acceptance is the beginning of this journey and that self-acceptance brings the changes of which you dream.
Bringing your dreams into reality can be a daunting task, especially for those who are caretakers in the world. It seems that listening to your own needs, desires, and wishes can be at the bottom of your list. Often there is no time for giving yourself the care and the attention you need and deserve.
Give me a call, drop me an email, and let's start taking those baby steps toward feeding your soul, nourishing your dreams, and creating a positive body image!
To your health, to life, L'Chaim !
Dr. Randi Wortman is passionate about guiding you toward feeling good about your body, no matter what size or shape your body is. As a team, you and Dr. Randi can get you to where you want to be. She believes self-acceptance is the beginning of this journey and that self-acceptance brings the changes of which you dream. She also believes that having a life in which you are feeling safe and content is the foundation for taking steps towards a new relationship with loving yourself.
Give Randi Wortman, Ph.D. a call or send an email, and you can start taking steps toward feeding your soul, nourishing your dreams, and having the life you have imagined.
The Reward Chemical
The Painkiller
The Love Hormone
The Mood Stabilizer
Wortman, Ph.D.
Contact Information
(301) 661-3302
Address: 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 320, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Randi Wortman, Ph.D.